Gender Differences in ADHD Management Strategies

teenage boy and girl sitting on couch holding remote for tv


ADHD presents unique challenges for both boys and girls, but the ways these symptoms are managed can vary significantly between genders. For girls and women, ADHD is often underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed, leading to delays in treatment and support. Societal expectations, cultural norms, and internalized beliefs about gender can further complicate their ADHD experience. To provide effective care, it’s important to recognise these differences and adopt gender-sensitive management strategies that address the distinct needs of both boys and girls.


ADHD Presentation Differences Between Genders

One of the most significant gender differences in ADHD is how the disorder presents itself. For boys, ADHD symptoms are often more externalized and easier to spot. They tend to exhibit higher levels of hyperactivity and impulsiveness, making it more likely that their behaviours will disrupt classrooms or social situations, leading to earlier diagnosis. Teachers, parents, and healthcare providers are often more alert to these …

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