There are more such ironies about ADHD


Now, what the heck are those? What does “Transition” mean, exactly? “Transit —” now there’s an interesting word that conjures the notion of travel, or motion. Innocuous-sounding enough, until one considers that setting oneself in motion is what motivation is all about (not desire — go look up the root for “motivation” in a good dictionary — it’s “movere“).

That’s ironic: hyperactivity combined with poor ability to get moving, at least in an organized way, in a directed activity, when one wants to.

There are more such ironies about AD/HD. The same people known to have a poor sense of time can, if notified of a deadline extension of, say, 3 hours, immediately shift speed (requiring the same gears which usually freeze in Neutral when the pressure mounts, or in Overdrive when Time To Leave was 5 minutes ago) and change direction and destinations (interruption? what interruption?).…

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